Good Dog Manners

About Us

Good Dog Manners

At Good Puppy Manners we wish to make new puppy owners aware of some training concepts that can help shape behaviour in puppyhood.  
 It is easier to teach good manners when they are puppies than it is to try and fix bad manners when they are adults.  Good Puppy Manners become Good Dog Manners.
Once you are aware of certain training concepts we hope that you continue to educate yourself on specific training methods that can be employed and how it can benefit your specific puppy.
Our hope is that dog owners wear our Good Puppy Manners street-wear to not only remind themselves of behaviour concepts that they should be working on, but that others may see the message and be made aware of training concepts that may help them with their own puppy or dog.
Good Puppies Matter & A Good Puppy Starts with You.

Our Vision

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Our Mission

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Good Puppy Manners

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Puppies of the Week

Meet our Puppies of the Week who are working on their Good Puppy Manners and helping to spread awareness of training Good Puppy Manners in Shared Public Spaces.

Richard Hernandez

Vice Chairman

Sharon Berry

Project Manager

Juliana Lane

HR Manager
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